
Swedish massage

In Stock
1 working day
  • Price: $64.00
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The purchased ticket can be used for 2 weeks and then expires.

After registering the order, the recipient will be contacted and the day of the massage will be reserved according to the recipient's request.

Women from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Men from 4 pm to 11 pm

Benefits of Swedish Massage

Improving the quality of sleep, which in turn leads to rest of the mind and strengthens the immune system

 Swedish massage is recommended for people who are suffering from boredom and lack of vitality in the daily stress and tension and are on the verge of depression.

 Swedish massage reduces the risk of future muscle damage and delays muscle aging by warming and strengthening less used muscles.

The duration of the massage is 60 minutes.

Massagers are Thai for both ladies and gentlemen

 Contraindications to Swedish massage

Lumbar disc - Neck disc - Osteoarthritis - Osteoporosis - Elderly - Pregnant women - Cancer patients

In two branches of Farmaniyeh Pasdaran - Shahrake-Gharb Simaye Iran (Niloufar Abi)

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